So last weekend I attended a my cousin's wedding in New Jersey. Of course I made the gift, because that's what I do. I had wanted to make a quilt, but changed my mind once I realized I really don't have that kind of time. I decided to make an embroidered wedding certificate similar to the one I made Nate for our 1 year anniversary. I spent a bit of time designing it and fiddling with fonts and searching the net for anyone who may have done this before (apparently no one?). Flickr has some great pictures of similar projects which did give me inspiration however. I finally came up with this:

I love how this came out and already have plans for more. I forgot how fun embroidery could be, especially if you make your own design. I used a variety of stitches including the stem stitch, lazy daisy stitch, back stitch, chain stitch and I think the filler for the heart and clovers would be called couching? I think my favorite part are the clovers on the sides.