I finally finished my funky towel quilt! It feels like it took forever. First I found/bought the towels, then cut them, arranged them, rearranged them, sewed them together, found a back, sewed that, pinned it all together, then quilted and bound it(half of that by hand, my fingers hurt)!!!!!! I definitely do not recommend quilting towels to anyone. It's a pain to sew fabric that thick.

Overall the quilt isn't perfect but I still like how it came out. The back and binding is made from old sheets so its 100% recycled. It's going to make the perfect beach blanket this summer. If only it would stop raining here. The sun came out for my drive home from work, but now it's raining again.

Now I just need to get started on my pink/yellow/red version. Hopefully that will go smoother sewing wise. The colors are happier too. I love the blue/green one, but some of those greens and yellows have a "pukish" tinge to them.
(Yes, I know I need to iron it, but I want to throw it in the wash first [Yay for machine washable quilts!])