First of all my new sewing machine is amazing! Its strange not wanted to throw your sewing machine every time you use it. I'll have to get used to that feeling. So far I've made a bag and a quilt top on it and it was so much easier, and faster, and quieter... Why did I wait so long to get a new one?Meanwhile check out my new bags

The top one was made from a table runner I really liked but never used, which I think was made by someone else. I loved the Seminole patchwork and rickrack. It was a super quick project as I didn't need to line it. The second bag is a crocheted bag using a pattern on the yarn tag. I used too small of a hook so it is a little odd shaped. My crocheting skills are slowly getting better, I can read patterns now and have made several items that were not scarves!
A small project I made was this catnip mouse (I think the catnip has already worn off) This was a quick project to amuse my cats for a few minutes. They already don't like the mouse anymore unless I drag it around the house on a string. Oh well, at least they aren't clawing furniture or waking my up in the morning... oh yeah... they still do that! naughty kitties!

Here's something I made around valentine's day. I originally planned to give it away but fell in love with it and its now hanging on our walls. Its buttons glued on paper and then sewn with pink thread and is one of my favorite button projects so far.