Somewhere on the internet I was inspired to make a beach blanket/quilt using funky vintage towels. I've been scouring the local thrift stores for these towels for over a year now and finally decided I had enough to make a quilt. I cut them all into 8" blocks and discovered I had enough to make at least two large beach blankets. I guess I could have stopped buying towels sooner but I was able to split the squares into matching/complimentary colors. I have the green/yellow/blue one already sewn into a quilt top. It is just waiting for some sort of back and is very large. The pink/red/yellow one is still just squares but I needed a break. I love the colors of these, even though they can also have that cute in an ugly way thing happening. Regardless I think these will make great beach blankets. Colorful, absorbent and handmade, what else is needed?

This looks awesome!